Bartek at the "Effective Energy Management" conference in Czeladź


On March 14-15, 2024, Bartek attended a key event in the energy and industrial sector - the "Effective Energy Management" Conference in Czeladź.

Here is a summary of the most important issues that were discussed during this meeting:


👉 CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism): Much attention was paid to the issue of sealing the CBAM system to prevent its circumvention by suppliers from outside the EU. This is crucial for maintaining the competitiveness of the European market.


👉 Energy prices: It was noted that energy prices in the EU have been significantly higher than in the USA or China for more than two years, which emphasizes the importance of energy purchasing strategies.


👉 The future of Polish energy: The role of nuclear energy after 2035 and the current status of gas as a transitional fuel were discussed, highlighting the long-term unprofitability of investments in natural gas.


👉 Renewable Energy Sources (RES): The need for a balanced and sensible integration of RES into strategies was emphasized to avoid destabilizing the national power system.


👉 CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage): CCS technology was presented as one of the possible solutions, although its high costs, reaching up to 180 euros/MWh, pose a significant challenge.

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